Every journey begins with a first step ...

The Jerusalem Way is the world's longest pilgrimage and peace route

The Jerusalem Way connects religions and peoples in a unique peace project

The Jerusalem Way stands for respect and tolerance

Love, the most powerful force in the universe, penetrates and illuminates everything and builds bridges between people.


Pilgrims create openness to encounters, dismantle prejudices and fears, and strengthen trust - basic trust. The supposed boundaries between peoples and religions can be bridged by individuals with love and mutual respect.



GPS is available for all countries from Spain to Jerusalem!
For details, see the ROUTE menu


The route through TURKEY / ASIA MINOR is about 2.180 km and is the longest stretch of any country on the way to Jerusalem! At the same time, Turkey is one of the most beautiful and hospitable countries on the entire JERUSALEM WAY!


Info on crossing the GREECE / TURKEY border (Kipoi / Ipsala border): You have to drive over the border with a vehicle. The easiest way is to order a taxi in the coffee house. The cafe is a few meters before the Greek border control point, then continue with the taxi to the Turkish border control, that's all! ;-) Several pilgrims have done it this way without any problems. See here for example




The route leads from the Kipoi / Ipsala border crossing via the Dardanelles to Asia! By the way, we do not recommend the direct route via Istanbul to Konya and you would miss out on very important historical places! Such as several UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Ephesus, House of Mother Mary, Pamukkale, Troy, Two Apostle Tombs, Hierapolis, Ways of Apostle Paul, several of the "7 Churches" from Revelation/Apocalypse, such as Smirna and Pergamum, etc.

For many reasons, the international path of peace JERUSALEM WAY leads from Europe to Asia via the Dardanelles. The Dardanelles are elementary for the peace way, there has always been a key point and an area steeped in history! Because of its strategic location, it was fought over well into the 20th century, for example during World War I, when more than a hundred thousand soldiers gave their lives here! Many memorials there commemorate this, giving the pilgrim on the way to Jerusalem the opportunity to consciously commemorate history and to say a prayer for healing, sanctification. 


On top of that, the legendary great king and pharaoh Xerxes, who I. in the fifth century BC. ruled, as well as Alexander the Great in 334 BC. in the Persia campaign across the Hellespont. And Emperor Barbarossa also crossed over to Asia with his huge army during the "Third Crusade".

Tip: If you want to visit Istanbul, we recommend taking a bus trip to Istanbul from the city of Kesan, there is a direct connection there, and several pilgrims have done this.


The Jerusalem Way then leads through Asia Minor, across today's Turkey to Antioch, ancient Antioch on the Orontes! This ancient and very special city is just before Syria is the end of the JERUSALEM WAY in Turkey. A further journey to Syria is currently not possible, the borders are closed! Unfortunately, Syria still has to be left out! We recommend flying from Antakya to Amman in Jordan, from where you can take a bus north to Ar-Ramtha. This city is the starting point of the JERUSALEM WAY in Jordan. See Jordan for more information.


The people in Turkey are generally helpful, the hospitality is very high and it is a very diverse, beautiful country in terms of landscape and culture! A highlight on the entire way to Jerusalem!


Accommodations: We have a list of accommodation tips for many stages in Turkey. That is a big help! In addition, our representative, Murat Kulansi, has made a translation detailing the peaceful intent of the pilgrimage to Jerusalem. This text has already helped many pilgrims, for example when talking to people in the café / tea house / residents in the village, in the event of a police check, when looking for accommodation and so on. A pilgrim woman from Switzerland told us it had opened doors for her.


On request we will send this translation and the accommodation list to all those who have ordered GPS.


Winter in Turkey

In the months of December to February there is sometimes a lot of snow in the mountains! Hence the section of Aksehir to Konya Not recommended in these months, the highest pass on the route is about 2.000 meters high (Taurus Mountains area). If you still want to make the pilgrimage there in winter, you will have to take the road if there is snow.


Info: From the area of ​​the city of Aksehir to Konya, the Jerusalem Way mostly follows the same route as the Sufi Trail (160 km). On these stages there is simple accommodation, such as a room to sleep in. It is best to ask the Muhtar (mayor) about accommodation and in some villages you can even get a stamp for your pilgrim's passport.


GPS is mandatory as the route sometimes runs cross-country and is difficult to find. As mentioned above, at an altitude of over 2000 meters, you reach the highest point on the Jerusalem Way! Therefore, we recommend staying on the nearby street in winter (when there is snow). In winter, these accommodations are often closed or not heated!


Accommodation in Turkey

We have saved many accommodations as POIs in Mapy. If you still can't find a place to sleep in a village, the best thing to do is to take a minibus, hitchhike or taxi to the next larger town and sleep there. Then drive back the next day to continue the pilgrimage. Unless you have a tent with you, although the majority of pilgrims don't have a tent with them and manage the journey just fine.


Contact and information

Do you have specific questions about the route in Turkey or do you need help? Please contact Murat Kulansi (Representative JERUSALEM WAY Turkey). He speaks Turkish, English and German! Murat helps in the best possible way and he also has his own travel agency. His company Aura tour specializes in hiking and pilgrimage all over Turkey!



E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: www.jerusalemway.org/tr

Telephone and WhatsApp: +90 533 330 77 31


GPS app with POI and tips for accommodation Turkey is available in the web shop, there are more details about the GPS and how to use the app. Below is a sample GPS stage from TURKEY.