Every journey begins with a first step ...

The Jerusalem Way is the world's longest pilgrimage and peace route

The Jerusalem Way connects religions and peoples in a unique peace project

The Jerusalem Way stands for respect and tolerance

Love, the most powerful force in the universe, penetrates and illuminates everything and builds bridges between people.


Pilgrims create openness to encounters, dismantle prejudices and fears, and strengthen trust - basic trust. The supposed boundaries between peoples and religions can be bridged by individuals with love and mutual respect.

Example of Jerusalem Way stages from Jordan to Jerusalem (Holy Land)

These stages can be a good basis for your Jerusalem Way pilgrimage through the Holy Land. They were made for a "fast" pilgrim. Without guarantee / errors and mistakes reserved!


The complete GPS route from Jordan to Jerusalem as well as all POIs and tips for accommodation can be found directly in the app. See webshop


1. Ar-Ramtha pilgrim accommodation (see POI Mapy App for details) – Al Husun: approx. 25 km

2. Al Husun ​​- Jerash: about 33 km

3. Sightseeing of Jerash (see Mapy App for route): approx. 8 km


4. Jerash – Al Kamsah (accommodation see POI Mapy): approx. 28 km

5. Al Kamsah - Amman: about 27 km

6. Sightseeing of Amman: about 10 km

7. Amman - Madaba: about 35 km


8. Sightseeing of Madaba


9. Madaba - Mount Nebo / Monastery (contact see POI Mapy): approx. 15 km


10. Mount Nebo - Dead Sea & Dead Sea Visit: Approx. 23 km


11. Dead Sea - baptismal site on the Jordan - border crossing Israel / Palestine - Jericho: approx. 28 km


12. Sightseeing of Jericho


13. Jericho - Wadi Qelt - accommodation in a Bedouin camp in the desert (registration recommended, see POI for location & contact): approx. 20 km


14. Bedouin camp - Judean desert - Judean mountains - Bethany / Al-Eizariya - pilgrim hostel (see mapy): approx. 20 km


15. Pilgrim hostel - Tomb of Lazarus - Checkpoint - Bethphage - Mount of Olives - Jerusalem: approx. 8 km


Important: We absolutely do not recommend less than 14 days from Ar-Ramtha to Jerusalem! Ideally reserve a day to visit Jerash/Ancient City of Gerasa; two days for Amman; a day for Madaba; one day for Jericho and at least three days for Jerusalem! In addition, plan at least half a day for Bethlehem and a few days for the trip to Galilee (Nazareth and Jesus Trail). A total of about 21 days / 3 weeks is ideal.


The details of the sights listed above as well as tips for accommodation and contacts are available as POIs in the Mapy app saved. These are constantly updated and expanded through feedback from pilgrims.


© www.jerusalemway.org