Click on map to view entire route POLAND
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Here you can view the GPS route in Google Maps: Open route (dThe RED route is valid, the BLUE route is under development)
The route through POLAND is about 1180 km. A great path awaits the pilgrims on the almost 1200 km from the Baltic Sea to the Slovakian border. Great! After Turkey (route about 2100 km) Poland has the second longest route of all countries on the JERUSALEM WAY.
Marking: Many areas are already marked! And there are accommodations / hostels along the route. Thanks again to the friends of the JERUSALEM WAY team in Poland for the great work!
The route including GPS can be downloaded below:
Info and contact
For information on the route and GPS, photos, travel reports and pilgrims' blogs, see the Polish pilgrims Facebook page Wytyczamy szlak do Jerozolimy
If you have any specific questions about the Way to Jerusalem or if you would like to help the Polish team, please contact Slawomir Moleda (representative of JERUSALEM WAY Poland). He is a very experienced pilgrim with heart and brain! :) He is a lawyer by profession and has, for example, walked the entire Way of St. James from Poland to Santiago / Finisterre! Then he walked the entire Jerusalem Way from Poland to Jordan and made many contacts with people and hostels. He is a trailblazer - grateful!
Here are some reports about Slawek:
- media report, (English/Polish/German)
- newspaper article in Poland
- Film project / Biography Slawek
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: + 48668508864
Note: GPS is available for all countries from Spain to Jerusalem! For details, see the ROUTE menu