Every journey begins with a first step ...

The Jerusalem Way is the world's longest pilgrimage and peace route

The Jerusalem Way connects religions and peoples in a unique peace project

The Jerusalem Way stands for respect and tolerance

Love, the most powerful force in the universe, penetrates and illuminates everything and builds bridges between people.


Pilgrims create openness to encounters, dismantle prejudices and fears, and strengthen trust - basic trust. The supposed boundaries between peoples and religions can be bridged by individuals with love and mutual respect.

JERUSALEM WAY: General advice for route and accommodation

Instructions for route and accommodation (January 2024)


The pilgrimage to Jerusalem is of course also an adventure! In the spirit of an original pilgrimage, in addition to making reservations, you also have to improvise. This gives the pilgrim the opportunity to strengthen trust in God and confidence in life. This is one of the most important experiences on the long road to Jerusalem. After the pilgrimage we can use this experience in everyday life and pass it on to other people.


From Spain - France - Switzerland - Austria to Budapest It's basically easy to get accommodation. There are some hostels, some monasteries, hotels, campsites, inns and so on. The route was divided into daily stages and is described in detail on the website as well as some tips for accommodation. It is therefore important to take a quick look at each stage online. See example here


From Budapest to the Croatian-Serbian border "Dreiländereck" there is accommodation at our pilgrim association partner from Hungary (see details here). Continue on the JW to Belgrade it is actually easy, the route runs mostly near the Danube where thanks to tourism there are accommodations. Of Belgrade to Greece we now have many tips for overnight stays as POIs directly in the MAPY app saved and the GPS route often leads directly to an accommodation!


At the nuclear Turkey - with a distance of around 2100 kilometers, the longest section of any country - in recent years, thanks to the feedback from various pilgrims, we have now been able to save a lot of tips for accommodation as POIs in the app! Furthermore, our representative from Jerusalem Way Turkey made a translation with the core messages including a reference to the peaceful intention of the pilgrimage. This was often very helpful to pilgrims, including when looking for somewhere to sleep or in the event of a police check. During the pilgrimage, please contact us via WhatsApp shortly before reaching Turkey to send the latest update for accommodation and translation. By the way, the people in Turkey are very helpful, the hospitality is great and Turkey is a very diverse, beautiful country in terms of landscape and culture! A highlight on the entire way to Jerusalem!


The GPS route, which has been developed over the years, is the basis and most important tool for the journey! With the GPS app you can find the route as well as places worth seeing or historical places. In addition, many POIs for accommodation and tips are saved, which we are constantly expanding and updating. When routing, we tried as best as possible to keep the route away from traffic. Of course, this is not possible everywhere over a distance of more than 8.000 kilometers.


Waymarking: Of course the path is not yet fully marked, we are working on it! There are already markings in all countries from Spain to Jerusalem, and many sections are already marked throughout. But GPS is the basis for finding the route. The markings are important tools in addition to GPS.


It is possible to help with the marking by attaching a sticker every now and then. If you would like to mark, please email us in good time before the pilgrimage Mail Contact us so we can send stickers by post. Thanks in advance!


Together, the marking gets better from year to year, from pilgrim to pilgrim. By helping to mark, the pilgrim can leave his or her own traces on the path and help subsequent pilgrims to find the route. The JERUSALEM WAY is created in give and take, the pilgrims are connected to each other and become part of the longest peace and pilgrimage route in the world.


Note: You can pick up stickers in person in Austria (4020 Linz and 4341 Arbing). Please send inquiries via email [email protected]


Speaking of Austria: Johannes Aschauer has a pilgrim hostel where you can stay overnight. Many pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem have now slept there! Please contact us in good time, the accommodation is in 4341 Arbing (greater area of ​​the city of Linz). Contact details see here


Important tips: On our Facebook page You can find pilgrims from different countries and continents who have already walked parts of or the entire Jerusalem Way! Furthermore, there is one WhatsApp Group with pilgrims who are currently on the path, have walked sections, cycled or have already done the entire path! These pilgrims can quickly give tips and help if necessary. Link to the JERUSALEM WAY group: Open invitation to WhatsApp group


If you have any further questions, please contact us.