Every journey begins with a first step ...

The Jerusalem Way is the world's longest pilgrimage and peace route

The Jerusalem Way connects religions and peoples in a unique peace project

The Jerusalem Way stands for respect and tolerance

Love, the most powerful force in the universe, penetrates and illuminates everything and builds bridges between people.


Pilgrims create openness to encounters, dismantle prejudices and fears, and strengthen trust - basic trust. The supposed boundaries between peoples and religions can be bridged by individuals with love and mutual respect.


Israel / Palestine

GPS is available for all countries from Spain to Jerusalem!

For details, see the ROUTE menu


The route through Israel and Palestine is about 50 km. GPS is available in the webshop, there are further details about the GPS and how to use the app.


Overview of the stages in the Holy Land: open link here


Information & contacts in the Holy Land

The JERUSALEM WAY International Peace Team has personal contacts and cooperation in Jordan, Palestine and Israel. We send these contacts to all registered GPS users on request so that the pilgrims can contact them on site if necessary.


In Palestine, our partner path is the "Palestinian Heritage Trail". We have had personal contact with George for years, he is the CEO of PHT (https://phtrail.org). habibi


The route is historically designed in the best possible way and the path is fantastic, it leads via King Hussein Bridge - Jericho - Wadi Qelt - Judea Desert - Al-Eizariya / Bethanien - Mount of Olives - Jerusalem. Among other things through the area where Jesus once walked from the Jordan Valley to Jerusalem! So the pilgrim arrives even today - in the 21st century - from the historically significant side, on foot on the Mount of Olives! An incredible feeling with a unique view: Jerusalem lies at your feet!


Extract from the travel diary: We reach the baptism site of Jesus in Jordan, cross the Jordan and are then in Israel or the occupied West Bank. After Jericho, the ascent begins from the Jordan Valley, deep below sea level, to the highlands of Judea.


From there the path leads us through a majestic stone desert and after passing the last checkpoint we actually reach Bethlehem on foot on Christmas Eve and finally arrive in Jerusalem on December 26, 2010 - half a year after the pilgrimage began.