Important information for route Hungary
The route from the Austrian border at Halbturn in Hungary often runs along the Way of St. James, so there are hostels and other accommodation options for pilgrims all the way to Budapest.
For the further route from BUDPEST towards BORDER CROATIA / SERBIA, we have a cooperation with the HUNGARIAN PILGRIMAGE Magyar Zarandokut (MZ)It was agreed that pilgrims with the Jerusalem Way pilgrim pass can sleep cheaply in their hostels. There are hostels along the entire route down the Danube from Budapest to the town of Baja. From Baja it is only a day's journey to the Hungarian border town of Mohács, the border triangle with Croatia and Serbia! And for pilgrims who are not coming from Vienna but from Poland, the Czech Republic or Slovakia, for example, there are also hostels from MZ from Esztergom (Gran) to Budapest!
Accommodation / hostels
Here you can find all ACCOMMODATIONS on the MZ website (automatic translation by Google). Attention: Many hostels in Hungary are closed during the winter months!
Our Hungarian partner wants every pilgrim to also have their Hungarian MZ pilgrim pass, this is symbolic and every pass issued is important for their organization. The special price for Jerusalem pilgrims is only 500 HUF = about 1,50 Euro! The pass is also a good memory and souvenir of the journey through Hungary.
In small villages, it is a good idea to send a text message to the hostel the day before you arrive, as sometimes they are closed, are not at home or the person in charge has to open the house and therefore needs to know when the pilgrim is coming. Sometimes in small places, English is not spoken, so it is good to know a few words in Hungarian:
Where's the albergue? = Get van a zarandoksalasch?
I am a pilgrim Zarandok vagyok
Where am i now = Get vagyok mosch?
I need help! = Shegicheget kerek!
Here you can get the Hungarian pilgrim pass
- Esztergom
Szent Adalbert Kozpont
Esztergom, Szent Istvan ter 10
Varga Orsolya: +36 33 / 541-972
Email: [email protected]
- Budapest
Gellért-hegyi Sziklatemplom Pálos Fogadóközpont
Budapest XI kerület, Szent Gellért ter
+36 20 / 775-2472
Hegyvidéki Zarándokpont (Kulturális Szalonban)
1126 Budapest, Böszörményi út 34 / a.
+36 1 / 202-2509
- Ráckeve
"Ráckeve Érték" Egyesület
Ráckeve, Kossuth Lajos u. 12th
Dr. Szánthó Györgyné: +36 30 / 354-1612, +36 24 / 424-855
- Low
Tour information Iroda
Baja, Szentháromság ter 11.
Phone: + 36 79 / 420-792