Every journey begins with a first step ...

The Jerusalem Way is the world's longest pilgrimage and peace route

The Jerusalem Way connects religions and peoples in a unique peace project

The Jerusalem Way stands for respect and tolerance

Love, the most powerful force in the universe, penetrates and illuminates everything and builds bridges between people.


Pilgrims create openness to encounters, dismantle prejudices and fears, and strengthen trust - basic trust. The supposed boundaries between peoples and religions can be bridged by individuals with love and mutual respect.

Quick guide GPS app "MAPY.CZ"



1) Install the MAPY app on the smartphone:


- ANDROID: open link

- IPHONE: open link


Note for users who have ordered GPS: If you have ordered GPS access in the web shop, you will receive your access data (user and password) from us via WhatsApp. With your personal access you get full access to the GPS route and all POI of the ordered countries as well all updates for one year from date of purchase.


Open the app on your cell phone and log in with your email address and password. The countries are saved in the "My Maps" menu. Open a country and select a GPS file. The route is now displayed on the map. In addition, you will also find POI and information about accommodation, which we are constantly expanding and updating. You can now continue at point 9).

2) Open the app and click on REGISTRATION (SIGN IN). You can then choose one of the menu languages: English, German, Czech or Slovak (the language can be changed again later).


3) Now enter an e-mail address, set a password and then fill in the required additional data. See photo below.


4) After you have registered, you will automatically receive an email. In the email, click the big RED BUTTON that says "Potvrdit" (Confirm). The button looks like this:



5) Registration is now complete.


6) Open the app on your phone and log in with your email address and password.


7) Click on the menu button (bottom left) and select offline maps to save the country/countries you want. This means you can navigate later without internet. Note: If you have an internet connection, a satellite map can also be selected in the menu. Note: Since the new MAPY update (2025), unfortunately not all maps are free anymore. See "Note Premium version" in the Mapy app.


8) To open and save a GPS stage, click on the web page at the end of each stage BLUE BUTTON (DOWNLOAD GPS ROUTE ON MOBILE PHONE). The route is now displayed in MAPY and you can save this stage in the app. The stages are saved in the app in the "Places and Routes" menu. Tip: You can also create subfolders for different countries in the app.


9) By clicking on the GPS icon you can follow the route.


Note: For the stages from Spain to Budapest, we have added some information to each stage on the website. Text with a short description of the route, information about the route and some recommendations for accommodation / hostels / pilgrim stamps ... So please read the text for each one Stage.


The other stages from Budapest to Jerusalem can be found in our Webshop.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. Good luck and blessings for your pilgrimage to Jerusalem!




Example of a registration