Every journey begins with a first step ...

The Jerusalem Way is the world's longest pilgrimage and peace route

The Jerusalem Way connects religions and peoples in a unique peace project

The Jerusalem Way stands for respect and tolerance

Love, the most powerful force in the universe, penetrates and illuminates everything and builds bridges between people.


Pilgrims create openness to encounters, dismantle prejudices and fears, and strengthen trust - basic trust. The supposed boundaries between peoples and religions can be bridged by individuals with love and mutual respect.

JERUSALEM WAY accommodations

Dear Jerusalem Way pilgrims,


True to the motto "Pilgrims help pilgrims", with your support a helpful list of accommodations (hostel, camping, church, mosque, guesthouse, ...) can be created along the entire Jerusalem Way route.

Are you currently on the Jerusalem Way or have you already been on the way and have recommendations that we have not yet saved as POIs in MAPY? Then we ask you to enter these accommodations in the form below (by clicking on the “Continue” button at the bottom of the page).

With each pilgrim, a list of accommodations is created step by step, which we then make available to all registered GPS users in our app. 


Thank you for your support!

New accommodation form

