Every journey begins with a first step ...

The Jerusalem Way is the world's longest pilgrimage and peace route

The Jerusalem Way connects religions and peoples in a unique peace project

The Jerusalem Way stands for respect and tolerance

Love, the most powerful force in the universe, penetrates and illuminates everything and builds bridges between people.


Pilgrims create openness to encounters, dismantle prejudices and fears, and strengthen trust - basic trust. The supposed boundaries between peoples and religions can be bridged by individuals with love and mutual respect.




The JERUSALEM WAY is the longest peace route and the longest pilgrimage route in the world. The international cultural route leads from Finisterre in Spain at the end of Europe eastwards to Jerusalem at the beginning. The entire distance from Spain to Jerusalem is around 8.500 kilometers!

Jerusalem is the most important place for Christians and Jews, a holy site for Muslims and is considered the crossroads of world religions. The Jerusalem Way brings together different religions, nations and cultures in an extraordinary peace project and stands for mutual recognition, tolerance and appreciation of different ways of life.


The Jerusalem pilgrim reaches important historical places, the tombs of the apostles and numerous UNESCO World Heritage sites: 


Melk | Wachau | Vienna | Budapest | Belgrade | blackbird field | Battle of Kosovo |Skopje | Thessaloniki | Philippi | Dardanelles | Kavala | Troy Troy | Alexandria Troas | Assos | Pergamum | Izmir | Smyrna | Ephesus | Pamukkale | Hierapolis | Laodicea | Antioch in Pisidia | Taurus Mountains | Konya | Iconium | Goksu Canyon | Tarsus | Adana | Antakya | Antioch | Aleppo | Maalula | Damascus | Jerash | Amman | Mount Nebo | Dead Sea | Jericho | Wadi Qelt | Desert of Judea | Mount of Olives


Like a river system, the Jerusalemweg is the main stream connecting access routes to the east and has been steadily expanding since it was founded in 2010.


Currently 19 countries and 2 continents are connected by the JERUSALEM WAY!


Like any journey, pilgrimage is an adventure, a path to oneself and, for some, to God.

Setting off gives the pilgrim the opportunity to strengthen trust in himself, in a higher authority and confidence in life. These key experiences constitute walking the path to Jerusalem. Nevertheless, caution and personal responsibility are essential when planning your trip. 


An Arabic proverb says:


“Trust in God is important, tying up the camels shows common sense.”


Before embarking on a pilgrimage, we recommend clarifying the current political situation in the Middle East and following the recommendations of the embassies. 


As of June 2024: The border with Syria is closed. Antakya is the end of the Jerusalem Way in Turkey. We recommend flying from Antakya to Amman in Jordan. The bus takes you north to Ar-Ramtha to the starting point in Jordan and the pilgrimage can continue there (see Jordan). Pilgrimages to Israel and Palestine are possible at your own risk. See this one for example Report on Facebook.

GPS from Spain to Jerusalem | 8.500 km 

Since 2020 there is a continuous Jerusalem Way GPS from Finisterre in Spain to Antakya in Turkey and also for Jordan, Palestine and Israel. Only Syria has to be left out and is therefore not available as GPS (see Syria menu).

The GPS route from Finisterre to Budapest (approximately 3.500 km) is available online and is available at the the respective stage downloaded. The GPS route including all POIs Budapest to Jerusalem (about 5.000 km) can be ordered in our SHOP .



The GPS on your cell phone is the basic orientation. On site, trail markings with peace doves complement the GPS route. In the meantime, trail markings have been put up in all countries and some countries are now marked throughout! Due to the very long distance, the marking and renewal is an ongoing process.


You can help us mark the way by putting a sticker on the path now and then. This will improve the marking from pilgrim to pilgrim. Your own traces will be left for subsequent pilgrims and in this way you are connected and help each other. Please just let us know informally if you would like to help. Thank you in advance!


You are also welcome to send a request to join our international pilgrimage group "JERUSALEM WAY PILGRIMS" on WhatsApp.



Our own JERUSALEM WAY app is being planned; we will use the Mapy app until it is completed. This app, which has been tried and tested for years, contains, among other things, colored hiking maps with contour lines and satellite images. You can save the countries on your cell phone and thus navigate offline! Therefore, no internet is required while on the move; this is particularly important in “roaming” countries. See details on Using the app.


We have saved the entire GPS route in the app as well as numerous accommodations and historical sites as points of interest (POI). The route takes the pilgrim in the best possible historical way to Jerusalem and at the same time to many important sights and UNESCO World Heritage sites.


We now cover around 80 percent of the entire JERUSALEM WAY with tips for accommodation, which are constantly being expanded and updated. The complete GPS route including all POIs for accommodation is in our SHOP available. 


Open information sheet for pilgrims: pilgrim info

Request information by email: [email protected]


The maps below show the Jerusalem Way route from Austria and the complete route from Spain to Jerusalem.