Every journey begins with a first step ...

The Jerusalem Way is the world's longest pilgrimage and peace route

The Jerusalem Way connects religions and peoples in a unique peace project

The Jerusalem Way stands for respect and tolerance

Love, the most powerful force in the universe, penetrates and illuminates everything and builds bridges between people.


Pilgrims create openness to encounters, dismantle prejudices and fears, and strengthen trust - basic trust. The supposed boundaries between peoples and religions can be bridged by individuals with love and mutual respect.

JERUSALEM WAY International Peace Team

Johannes (AT)

Johannes Aschauer
Board member (Chairman) JERUSALEM WAY International Peace Team eV, Founder of the Jerusalem Way, author, cultural speaker and lecturer, pilgrim and long-distance hiker, tour operator www.jerusalemway.org

Rose Marie (CH)

Rose Marie Gasser Rist

For the Jerusalem Way: Public relations, communication and networking | Author, biographer, singer from Switzerland | Pilgrim JW Orient | Home

Alex (FR)

Alexandre Lafon

Born in France in 1992, holistic therapist, 2020 from France to Santiago - this inspired my inner process to advance - finally walked from Le Puy to Jerusalem in 2021!


I experienced the healing effects when I walked alone for 14 months. Hiking the Jerusalem Way is and remains an extraordinary experience for me. open details

Emanuel (de)

Dr. phil. Emanuel Gebauer

JERUSALEM WAY representative for Germany, education consultant, head of Catholic adult education in Esslingen, bicycle and foot pilgrims on the Jerusalem Way, art and architecture historian, religious educator, archaeologist, www.jerusalemweg.de

Karl (AT)

Karl Moharitsch
Board member (treasurer) in JERUSALEM WAY International Peace Team eV, mountaineer and hiker, social and professional educator, trainer and consultant (adult education) www.arbeit-bildung.at

Orlando (DE)

Orlando Berger
member of JW International Peace Team eV | Project and organizational development | Inner Peace | Coaching & Adult Education | Internal & external communication | local council | Board of directors in 3 associations (SPES eV; Horben-Leben eV; Tourismusverein Horben eV | Life Pilgrim and Hitch Hiker | B.Sc. Technology Communication (RWTH-Aachen), [email protected]

Claudia (DE)

Claudia Schilde

Jerusalem Way Pilgrim from Germany to Jerusalem. I help with pilgrims on the JW Feeder of the Kings to look after, especially between Cologne and Bingen. The photo shows me arriving in Jerusalem in June 2023 after 5.200 km from my front door in Koblenz. See photos on Facebook

Claudia Maria (AT)

Claudia Maria Reisecker
Subject area: healing on the Jerusalem Way, personal development, pilgrim companion, geomancer

Thomas (AT)

Thomas Müller

External consultant, email: [email protected]

Frieder (DE)

DI Frieder Löhrer

Jerusalemweg from Germany to Jerusalem & author (book title “Journey to Jerusalem”), brand expert, Judaism, former industrial manager Open website

Christoph (AT)

Dipl. Architect Christoph Kalb

Representative for Jerusalemweg Vorarlberg, traveler, self-employed architect, email: [email protected]

Samuel (DE)

Samuel Häckel

Club member, pilgrim on the Jerusalem Way, Konstanz on Lake Constance