The Jerusalem Way, founded in 2010, is the longest peace and pilgrimage way in the world!
The route runs from the end of Europe in Finisterre to the beginning in Jerusalem. It brings different religions, nations and cultures together in an extraordinary peace project and stands for mutual recognition, tolerance and appreciation of different ways of life. There are now more than 5000 members in the Facebook group - They come from over 100 different countries around the world and all continents are represented!!
Appointment overview
16.03.2023: SCHLOSS HAUSLEITEN - Film lecture “On the Jerusalem Way”
26.03.2023 - 05.04.2023: HOLY LAND - Pilgrimage Jordan / Israel / Palestine (BOOKED UP)
01.04.2023 - 06.04.2023: VIENNA TO GYÖR - "Hiking for Peace" - Peace march on the Jerusalemweg
07.06.2023 - 11.06.2023: NUREMBERG - German Evangelical Church Congress
15.09.2023 - 23.09.2023: LOFER TO LINZ - Common “Pilgrimage Week on the Jerusalem Way”
23.09.2023: LINZ - Installation and blessing of the JW peace dove in the city of Linz and interreligious ceremony: Contact details see here
26.09.2023 - 28.09.2023: FULDA TO BAD KISSINGEN - "Pilgrims & Marking" in the course of an interreligious pilgrimage. See below for details.
29.09.2023 - 30.09.2023: FULDA - Solemn opening of the Jerusalemweg with a film presentation and installation of the JW peace dove (German feeder “Jerusalemweg der Apostel”). The film lecture will take place on Friday evening and the installation and blessing of the dove of peace will take place on Saturday at 14:00 p.m.: Contact details see here
12.10.2023: PURKERSDORF - Film lecture “On the way to Jerusalem”
Advance notices 2024
END OF MAY TO BEGINNING OF JUNE 2024: 14-Day Guided Pilgrimage Tour of France on the Jerusalem Way! From the Pyrenees to Lake Geneva together with Johannes Aschauer. (Information follows on the Website )
NEW FROM 02.02.2024: Intercultural pilgrim guide training in the city of Donauwörth (see below)
Jerusalem Way Peace Team Launches Fundraiser for Antakya (Antioch) Area Earthquake Victims! The Jerusalem Way brings people together, not only in good times but also in bad times. Through our contacts with the various local institutions and churches, we experience the great misery caused by the strong earthquakes in February in a particularly impressive way. Father Francis from Antakya (ancient biblical Antioch) wants to help the people who have lost everything in the short and long term. The need for help is immense and every euro arrives directly without administrative costs. More info & photos see the Facebook report by the Jerusalem Way pilgrim Birgit Wagner from Munich, who was still there in November 2022!
With your donation, you not only provide important, but direct help and without any administrative costs! Thanks very much.
Film lecture in Lower Austria: “On the way to Jerusalem”
Date: March 16, 2023 at 18.30 noon
Location: 3464 House Managers / HAUSLEITEN CASTLE
Pilgrimage to Jordan/Israel/Palestine with Johannes Aschauer
The Holy Land in spring when the desert is in bloom
Date: 26.03. - 05.04.2023 (Sunday - Wednesday)
On this extraordinary and unique trip, we experience the wonderful landscapes of the Holy Land in the time when the desert is in bloom in a balanced and at the same time fascinating combination on foot and by bus! Away from the usual tourist paths, we slowly make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem on the route of the Jerusalem Way through Jordan, Palestine and Israel, rest in the shade of the olive trees, hike through original landscapes, walk through Jewish and Arabic villages and breathe in the diversity of cultures. Link to pilgrimage

Walk for Peace
“Peace March on the Jerusalem Way from Vienna to Györ
Date: 01.04. - 06.04.2023 (Saturday - Thursday)
The organization "Hiking for Peace" organizes a peace march on the Jerusalemweg from Vienna to Györ (6 stages / about 150 km). Participation is free of charge and also possible on a daily basis! It would be nice if many were there to set an example for peace. The Jerusalemweg pilgrim pass is available at the start on site, we get the first stamp with the dove of peace right at the beginning in St. Stephen's Cathedral (souvenir shop or ticket counter). Registration by email
German Evangelical Church Congress in Nuremberg
Date: June 7 - 11, 2023 (Wednesday - Sunday)
The 38th German Evangelical Church Congress takes place in Nuremberg and Fürth. The Kirchentag is unique: a colorful faith, culture and music festival, a platform for critical debates, a unique opportunity to experience community! Open information from the church day
SAVE THE DATE: Linz becomes a partner on the longest Peace Walk in the world! Installation of the JW Peace Dove in the Peace City of LINZ
Date: Saturday 23 September 2023 (immediately after World Peace Day!)
The Jerusalemweg Dove of Peace will be held in the state capital of Upper Austria, the European Capital of Culture and City of Peace LINZ on Sat. Sept. 23, 2023 in front of the new town hall / area Nibelungenbrücke!
At 09.00 p.m.: Joint pilgrimage from Wilhering Abbey to Linz, arrival in the Hauptlatz area around 13.30 p.m. with a pilgrim’s snack from the city of Linz. At 15.00 p.m.: Speech Mayor MMag. Klaus Luger as representative of the city of peace Linz and presentation of the peace project Jerusalemweg. At 15.30 p.m.: TOGETHER we take the last steps on the longest peace path in the world to the peace dove, the route takes us over the main square and the Nibelungen Bridge to the new town hall. 16:00 p.m.: Unveiling / Blessing of the Jerusalem Way Peace Dove on the forecourt of the new town hall with musical accompaniment by the municipal music band. We ask for numerous participation. Thanks!
The installation of the dove of peace will take place during an interreligious ceremony with Bishop Dr. Manfred Scheuer, the President of the Jewish Community, Dr. Charlotte Herman, as well as other representatives of the religious communities and guests of honour.
Pilgrimage Week on the Jerusalem Way: A joint “pilgrim week" instead of! On foot from Lofer in the province of Salzburg to Wilhering Abbey. Daily participation is possible.
INVITATION: Installation of the dove of peace / opening of the Jerusalemweg feeder in FULDA!
Date: Fri. 29.09. - Sat. 30.09.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX
An important German feeder route to the Jerusalemweg starts in the Boniface town of Fulda, which then leads down the Danube from Donauwörth and joins the Jerusalemweg main route coming from Spain near Linz in Austria.
The highlight is the ceremonial installation of the Jerusalemweg peace dove on Saturday, September 30, 2023 from 14.00 p.m. at Michaelskirche / near Domplatz (see details below)!
program flow
Friday September 29, 2023
From 17:00 p.m.: Pilgrim meeting with welcome and drink
At 20:00: Live film lectures & presentations in the Festival Hall of the Orangery over the entire Jerusalem route from Spain to Jerusalem and the three routes in Germany! End around 21:30 p.m., finale / pilgrims’ table.
Saturday September 30, 2023
At 09:00: Joint pilgrimage from Fulda Cathedral Square to Pilgerzell (about 6 km).
At 14:00: The highlight was the ceremonial installation of the Jerusalemweg peace dove at Michaelskirche / near Domplatz with Mayor Dr. Heiko Wingenfeld and representatives of the religious communities. Interfaith Ceremony! End around 16:00 p.m., followed by pilgrims’ table, finale...
For details see Website of the city of Fulda or request information by email: [email protected]
pilgrims and signs
Even before the opening celebrations, 26.09.2023 – 28.09.2023 (Tuesday - Thursday) an interreligious pilgrimage from Fulda to Bad Kissingen takes place (three daily stages of approx. 20 km each). During the tour, we supplement and check the signposting of the new Jerusalemweg in a very practical way. Information & registration Pilgrims & Marking
Extensive supporting program from Friday to Sunday!
>>> Info & registration <<
Film lecture in Lower Austria: “On the Jerusalem route: From the heart of Europe 4.500 km on foot to Jerusalem”
Date: October 12, 2023 at 19:00 p.m. Location: 3002 Purkersdorf in the town hall
Advance notice 2024: NEW intercultural pilgrim guide training in Donauwörth
In Donauwörth / Germany, an intercultural pilgrim guide training course with theory and practice modules will be offered from February 02nd, 2024. Organizer: VHS Donauwörth/Große Kreisstadt Donauwörth. More information and reservations per Email to Ulrike Steger from the city. Tourist Information Donauwörth.
Thank you for your donation!
Around JERUSALEM WAY We need your support to establish the longest path of peace in the world and to develop our own app for pilgrims! Please help your donation and thus set your personal piece of the mosaic for this unique peace project! Thanks very much.
Club information for new members
The non-profit association JERUSALEM WAY Peace Team accepts supporting members and we would be very happy if YOU are part of our team or would like to help. The annual membership fee is € 25,00 and includes, among other things, a welcome gift, certificate, invitation to the Christmas party and to hikes together. We look forward to seeing you - thanks in advance for your support! For more information see here
JERUSALEM WAY International Peace Team
Association for Peace, Freedom and Tolerance
4341 Arbing, Hummelberg South 24
ZVR: 228599886
[email protected]
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