Every journey begins with a first step ...

The Jerusalem Way is the world's longest pilgrimage and peace route

The Jerusalem Way connects religions and peoples in a unique peace project

The Jerusalem Way stands for respect and tolerance

Love, the most powerful force in the universe, penetrates and illuminates everything and builds bridges between people.


Pilgrims create openness to encounters, dismantle prejudices and fears, and strengthen trust - basic trust. The supposed boundaries between peoples and religions can be bridged by individuals with love and mutual respect.


The Jerusalem Way is the world's longest pilgrimage route and international peace route and cultural route! The route runs from the end of Europe in Finisterre to the beginning in Jerusalem.

The Jerusalem Way brings together different religions, nations and cultures in an extraordinary peace project and stands for mutual recognition, tolerance and appreciation of the different ways of life.


We are on the road together, step by step we make a pilgrimage towards Jerusalem and at the same time make a contribution to gentle and sustainable tourism. But pilgrimage is not only trendy, it connects, teaches us to overcome boundaries, strengthen trust and is a lasting balance for body, mind and soul!


Changes are possible due to Corona, but we look ahead with confidence and look forward to hiking together with you! The following pilgrimages and events are planned.




  • Thu April 07 - Sun April 17, 2022: Peace march LINZ - VIENNA for Ukraine & peace in the world!
  • Sat 09 April 2022: Celebration before Easter at the NADLINGERHOF
  • Wed. May 25 - Sun. May 29, 2022: Presentation Jerusalemweg German Catholic Day STUTTGART
  • Sat 25 Jun 2022: Opening of the Jerusalemweg WALDSASSEN - pilgrimages & installation of the dove of peace
  • Mon. June 27 - Fri. July 08, 2022: Pilgrimage together WALDSASSEN - CHAM - PASSAU
  • Fri 23 Sept - Fri 07 Oct 2022: Pilgrimage TURKEY / ASIA MINOR

We pilgrimage together for Ukraine and peace in the world!

Thu April 07 - Sun April 17, 2022

--- Photos and report from the Peace March ---
Open here

Together on the longest path of peace in the world for Ukraine & peace in the world. Due to current events, we are making a pilgrimage along the Jerusalemweg from the Peace City of Linz to Heldenplatz in Vienna. The participation fee is 1 euro per KM walked, this amount goes 1:1 as a donation to Ukraine.


A shorter participation, e.g. Linz - Mauthausen - Grein - Nadlingerhof, or Wachau or elsewhere is possible! It would be important if many people are there, even if it is only for 1 day or a few hours! EVERY KM WALKED COUNTS AND BENEFITS UKRAINE.

In particular, the start in Linz is historically very significant, the first steps lead us from the main square over the Nibelungen Bridge / Danube. The entire route on the Jerusalemweg from Linz to Heldenplatz in Vienna 250 km (11 days).

This means that a pilgrim walks the entire route, for example, and collects an average of 25 euros per day. If you can't go, you have the option of donating from home to support the campaign with 50 cents per KM. This results in a maximum donation of 125 euros. Thanks in advance!

The donations will be handed over to VOLKSHILFE UKRAINE in Vienna. For online donations, the Account number / IBANAT77 6000 0000 0174 0400 As a Usage necessarily indicate: "Jerusalemweg - emergency aid Ukraine" (Donations are tax deductible!)


Start: Thursday, April 7, 2022 at 09.00:9 a.m. in Linz on the main square; Sat. April 16th ​​Arrival at the club party at the Nadlingerhof in Neustadtl an der Donau; Holy Saturday, April XNUMXth, we reach Purkersdorf, the city limits of Vienna, with the opportunity in the evening for the common Easter resurrection in a church. The next day on Easter Sunday April 17 area noon is the arrival at Heldenplatz Vienna.

Registration: Per email to [email protected] (Information on +43 699 18031970 or +43 664 2215201).

Route: Linz - Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial - Arbing - Clam Castle - Grein - Nadlingerhof / Peace Dove - Persenbeug - Marbach on the Danube - Maria Taferl Pilgrimage Church - Artstetten Castle - Town and Abbey of Melk / Peace Dove - Aggstein - Spitz / Peace Dove - Fortified Church of St. Michael - Weißenkirchen - Dürnstein - Mautern - Göttweig Abbey - Herzogenburg Abbey - Asperhofen - Ried am Riederberg - Wienerwald - Purkersdorf - Schönbrunn Palace - Mariahilferbräu - Maria-Theresien-Platz - Hofburg - Heldenplatz. Accommodation is organized by us and a support vehicle is available.


The stages from Linz in detail: Open link here

Please forward to your contacts. Only together can we make a difference. Thank you very much!

Sat 09 April 2022


The JERUSALEM WAY INTERNATIONAL PEACE TEAM association cordially invites members and friends to a celebration at the Nadlingerhof. After the traditional Christmas party could unfortunately not be held again in 2021, we meet in the time before Easter. The celebration will take place as part of the Peace March!


time and place: Palm Saturday April 9, 2022 from 16.30 p.m. at the Nadlingerhof, Nabegg 21 in 3323 Neustadtl / Donau (www.nadlingerhof.at). ROOM RESERVATIONS by phone: +43 676 4867534. Welcome coffee from 16:30 p.m., followed by a brief review of events and photos of pilgrimages in 2021 and an outlook for 2022. At 19:30 p.m. dinner together. Please register by March 31, 2022 per email to [email protected]


We look forward to your coming and ask for many participants in the joint peace march!

Wed. May 25 - Sun. May 29, 2022


The JERUSALEM WAY will be present with two projects at the German Catholic Day in Stuttgart! 


At the invitation of keb Esslingen and together with the Abrahamisches Forum Darmstadt we have our own booth. This is on the "Kirchenmeile" (directly on Theodor-Heuss-Strasse, not far from Schlossplatz), where the central opening ceremony is also planned for Wednesday evening and the closing service for Sunday.


Our booth serves full-time from Thursday 26.05. until Saturday 28 May 2022 as a meeting point for pilgrims to Jerusalem, with its own information offerings and opportunities for encounters. Contact persons from the JW Peace Team and the German branch association provide information on the latest developments.


In addition, we were in the subject area "Faith, Hope: Christian-Islamic Dialogue" with our "Interreligious workshop: Pilgrimages on the Jerusalem Way - Collaboration on the longest pilgrimage route in the world" added to the trade fair program. Date: Sat. 28 May from 14:00 p.m. to 15:30 p.m


If you would like to receive further information on this, please contact us [email protected] or +49-176-24446586


For information on Catholic Day see www.katholikentag.de


Installation of the dove of peace and pilgrims together

Sat 25 Jun 2022


Festive opening of the JERUSALEMWAY OF THE MONASTERIES! This Jerusalem way feeder was opened with an interreligious ceremony on June 25, 2022 and the large, handmade stainless steel dove of peace was ceremoniously unveiled. 




Several religious leaders said prayers of blessing! For Judaism Rabbi Dr. Dannyel Morag; for Islam Imam Faouzi Slama; for the Anglican Church Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Ring; for the Evangelical Church Ulrike Koehler. Afterwards they all revealed as well as patron MEP Monika Hohlmeier, abbess M. Laetitia Fech, city pastor Dr. Thomas Vogl, First Mayor Bernd Sommer, District Administrator Roland Grillmeier and Jerusalem Way initiator Johannes Aschauer together the dove of peace. In addition to numerous guests of honour, many pilgrims from Germany and abroad came to take part in the ceremony and the joint pilgrimage in the Stiftland. Thank you all! God bless you.


Media reports: Bayerischer Rundfunk / Upper Palatinate media / Bistum regensburg





INVITATION: Stadt / Kloster Waldsassen: Opening of the Jerusalemweg in the course of Europe Week and invitation to pilgrimage together! See video: OPEN HERE


Schedule: Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 08:00 a.m. Worship service with blessing for pilgrims in the monastery church. Then a joint pilgrimage in Stiftland on the Via Porta / Jerusalemweg, about 15 km. Then at 16:30 p.m. ceremony with ceremonial installation and blessing of the dove of peace on the Italian fountain in the gate courtyard with patron Monika Hohlmeier MEP. room reservation www.abtei-waldsassen.de


End of the day with a barbecue evening and at 20:00 p.m. invitation to the concert with "KELLER STEFF BIG BAND" on the Basilica Square. Admission free! Please refer Website of the city of Waldsassen


More details: Program booklet opening (PDF) and videos SAVE THE DATE



Monday, June 27th to Friday, July 08th, 2022


Waldsassen – Cham: Monday 27 June 2022 – Saturday 2 July 2022

1. Waldsassen - Tirschenreuth 21,8 (Monday)
2. Tirschenreuth - Plößberg 17,9
3. Plößberg - Pleystein 26,4
4. Pleystein - Schönsee 27,7
5. Schönsee - Waldmünchen 26,7

6. Waldmünchen - Cham 23,3:XNUMX (Saturday)


Participation on a daily basis is possible!

The pilgrimage is without a support vehicle, backpack and provisions "may" be carried by yourself. Accompaniment of pilgrims by Christine Dittlbacher / Johannes Aschauer is planned up to Cham. Daily flat rate € 15 plus accommodation costs. Registration and details via email [email protected]

From Cham there are another 6 stages to Passau (own accommodation arrangements):

Cham – Passau: Sunday July 3, 2022 – Friday July 8, 2022
7. Cham - Blaibach 19 (Sunday)
8. Blaibach-Teisnach 27,7
9. Teisnach - rain 21,8
10. Rain - Schoenberg 28,3
11. Schönberg - scrap tree mill 20,5
12. Schrottenbaummühle - Passau 24,7 (Friday)


Directions, elevation gain and GPS
See website Germany "Way of the Monasteries"


Fri 23 Sept - Fri 07 Oct 2022


For the guided pilgrimages, the 15 countries were divided into seven individual travel sections that can be booked independently of one another. The most beautiful stages of the path have been selected and will be guided by us in cooperation with local tour guides.

In a balanced combination of walking (10 - 15 km / max. 20 km per day) and bus, there is a unique opportunity to personally experience all the highlights of the entire route from Spain to the Holy Land. The path leads the participants in an easterly direction towards the sunrise – symbolically of life – while step by step they find themselves on the way to the most important pilgrimage site in Christianity: Jerusalem – the intersection of religions! link Photo album trip autumn 2019


As a special feature, the trip Turkey / Asia Minor has been extended by two days and new hikes have been added. This at a special price in 2022!


Travel program, details and booking see the menu "Pilgrimage Turkey"


If you book by March 31, 2022, there is a € 25 early bird bonus! TIP: In order to get cheap air fares, we recommend registering for the trip as soon as possible. Price with Turkish Airlines for a return flight from Vienna totals around EUR 220 (as of February 2022). 



After several years of intensive development, the complete JERUSALEM WAY route is available on GPS (about 7500 kilometers).

Thanks to the feedback from several pilgrims who, despite Corona, are traveling in different countries along the JERUSALEM WAY, we were able to fine-tune the GPS route again. Since 2022, several POI / sights and tips for accommodation have been integrated directly into the app. Info route and GPS app


Many thanks to all pilgrims for your support, together we are establishing the longest pilgrimage and peace path in the world.


- Pilgrimage BALKANS - GREECE


- Pilgrimage PASSAU-LINZ


The non-profit association JERUSALEM WAY Peace Team accepts supporting members, we would be very happy if YOU are part of our team or would like to help. Annual membership fee is € 25. This includes, among other things, a welcome gift, certificate, invitation to a Christmas party and hikes together. We look forward to seeing you - thanks in advance for your support! For information see here


The JERUSALEM WAY International Peace Team association assumes no liability for the above-mentioned pilgrimages, and the organizer and the pilgrims accompanying them are also not liable for any damage or accidents. Participation is at your own risk. Finally, we would like to point out that all pilgrims must be in reasonable physical and mental condition. Please see our Information for pilgrimages with a club.

Note: The trips take place under personal responsibility in compliance with the applicable Corona regulations!

JERUSALEM WAY International Peace Team
Association for Peace, Freedom and Tolerance
4341 Arbing, Hummelberg South 24
ZVR: 228599886
[email protected]


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