Every journey begins with a first step ...

The Jerusalem Way is the world's longest pilgrimage and peace route

The Jerusalem Way connects religions and peoples in a unique peace project

The Jerusalem Way stands for respect and tolerance

Love, the most powerful force in the universe, penetrates and illuminates everything and builds bridges between people.


Pilgrims create openness to encounters, dismantle prejudices and fears, and strengthen trust - basic trust. The supposed boundaries between peoples and religions can be bridged by individuals with love and mutual respect.

Newsletter 2021


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INVITATION TO PILGRIMS TOGETHER: Pilgrimages on the Jerusalem Way

Together on the longest pilgrimage in the world, and international peace and culture route!

Changes are possible due to the corona. But we look ahead and trust! Should we still have to cancel something, in our opinion it is much better than not planning anything. With this in mind, we look forward to seeing you!

We make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and at the same time make a contribution to tourism and the hospitality industry. Pilgrimage is not only trendy, it is also a sustainable compensation! We have planned the following pilgrimages on foot and by minibus. Please register as soon as possible, no more than 10-15 participants!

Danube Valley - PASSAU TO LINZ

Fri. 21 to Sun. May 23, 2021 / Pentecost (3 days)

  Fri. 18 to Sat. June 26, 2021 (9 days)

  Sat 28th to Thursday 09th September 2021 (13 days)


In Germany, all geodata (GPS) for the three main routes are now set! The routes from Cologne and Fulda come together at Donauwörth, there the paths lead over the Friedensbrücke and run together in the vicinity of the Danube via Regensburg to Passau. In Passau, the path from Volkenroda / Waldsassen is added, now all three paths continue unified until they join the main route coming from Spain in Austria.

For details and GPS see www.jerusalemweg.de


Due to Corona, several fixed Jerusalemweg openings in Germany and Austria had to be canceled and postponed in 2020.

Here is the warm invitation to the OPENING OF THE WAY and to the common PILGRIMAGE in the City of Donauwörth (Germany)!

Opening, worship and pilgrimage together
findet Friday, September 17, 2021 from 08.00 a.m. instead of. The solemn installation of the dove of peace with a ceremony on Donauspitz on Sat. September 18, 2021 | 17.30 p.m.. Extensive program already from Thursday evening to Sunday noon with regular pilgrims' table, lectures on pilgrimage routes, etc. is planned.

Details & program as well as registration
by mail to [email protected]

Preview 2022: The opening of the Jerusalemweg with a joint pilgrimage and installation of the dove of peace in the MONASTERY / CITY OF WALDSASSEN has been postponed. The new date is June 25, 2022 during the European week! Details in advance at Waldsassen Abbey as well as in the next newsletter.


After several years of intensive route development, the complete JERUSALEM WAY (except Syria) for around 2020 kilometers has been completed in 8.000.

Thanks to the great feedback from various pilgrims - who were even on the Jerusalem Way despite Corona - we were able to, among other things, in the Turkey and in Jordan fine-tune the route.

See various reports and photos from pilgrims on
Facebook and Blog on our website. Thank you very much!

Only together can we establish the longest pilgrimage and peace path in the world. Information about the route and GPS 


Thanks to the great commitment of our pilgrim friends in Poland, Slovakia and Hungary, there is now a continuous route from the Baltic Sea (Gdansk and Leba) to Jerusalem!

This route joins the main route coming from Spain in Budapest. In addition, a JERUSALEM WAY association was founded in Slovakia and the route through the whole country has already been marked!

THANK YOU VERY MUCH to all of our friends in Poland, the Slovakia and in Hungary!


VIA ROMEA GERMANICA consisting of the three partners VIA ROMEA Germany, VIA ROMEA Italy and JERUSALEM WAY Austria was certified as a cultural route of the Council of Europe in 2020 !! Congratulations to everyone for their great commitment!


The date will only be set (if you are interested in participating, please write to us in advance to make planning easier). Round tables are planned in Vienna and Ansfelden


The non-profit association JERUSALEM WAY Peace Team accepts supporting members, we would be very happy if YOU are part of our team or want to help. Annual membership fee is € 25, - this includes, among other things, a welcome gift, certificate, invitation to a Christmas party, hikes together, ...  WE LOOK FORWARD TO YOU - THANKS! Information is here

JERUSALEM WAY International Peace Team
Association for Peace, Freedom and Tolerance

4341 Arbing, Hummelberg Süd 24
ZVR: 228599886


[email protected]

Club information
The association JERUSALEM WAY International Peace Team gladly accepts promotional
Members up! If you want to be part of our team or to help, get in touch
you just under [email protected] (Karin Forster)


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