Joint pilgrimages on the Jerusalem Way in 2021
Together on the Jerusalem Way, the longest pilgrimage in the world and at the same time an international peace and culture route!
Changes are possible due to the corona. But we look ahead and trust! Should we still have to cancel a trip, in our opinion this is much better than not planning anything. With this in mind, we look forward to seeing you!
- Jerusalem Way Donautal / Passau to Linz
Fri. 21 to Sun. May 23, 2021 (3 days)
- Jerusalem Way Switzerland and Vorarlberg
Fri. June 18 to Sat. June 26, 2021 (9 days)
- Jerusalem Way Austria to Greece
Sat 28th to Thursday 09th September 2021 (13 days)
The trips take place in compliance with the applicable Corona regulations!
Participation only with a NEGATIVE Corona test! PCR test is valid up to 72 hours before departure / ANTIGEN test is valid until 48 hours before departure. Participants must also bring self-tests with them so that tests can also be carried out during the trip ("four-eyes principle").
When traveling abroad, the respective national entry regulations apply. In many countries, entry is only permitted with a vaccination or with a negative PCR test result (antigen test is generally not accepted). Status: August 2021
Therefore, before starting the journey, everyone must find out about the current travel regulations of the countries from the responsible ministry in their home country. For example, here is the link from the Austrian Foreign Ministry: Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs
If a planned pilgrimage is not possible due to government restrictions on corona, it will be postponed to a later date. If it is not possible to postpone it, the trip will unfortunately have to be canceled.
Contact information
International Peace Team
[email protected]
4341 Arbing / Austria
Phone +43/699/18 03 1970