Every journey begins with a first step ...

The Jerusalem Way is the world's longest pilgrimage and peace route

The Jerusalem Way connects religions and peoples in a unique peace project

The Jerusalem Way stands for respect and tolerance

Love, the most powerful force in the universe, penetrates and illuminates everything and builds bridges between people.


Pilgrims create openness to encounters, dismantle prejudices and fears, and strengthen trust - basic trust. The supposed boundaries between peoples and religions can be bridged by individuals with love and mutual respect.

Pilgrimage Jerusalem Path Austria (Autumn 2020)


We were a group of about 20 pilgrims with participants from Germany, Vorarlberg, Salzburg, Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Vienna and Burgenland and have crossed all of Austria from Vorarlberg to Burgenland (about 800 km) on the international peace and culture trail. The last stage brought us to Halbturn Castle / Hungarian border.

We were able to experience many beautiful moments and warm encounters, combined with mutual exchange and above all with a lot of joy and friendship! Thanks to all.




Invitation to the pilgrimage

On the Jerusalem route through Austria

From Vorarlberg to Burgenland

Date: August 27 - September 06, 2020


We make a pilgrimage towards Austria through Jerusalem and thus make a contribution to tourism and the hospitality industry. On foot and by train / bus along the international peace and culture trail across Austria!


Pilgrimage is a lasting compensation, especially in times of crisis, be it because of Corona or other personal circumstances.


It is deliberately one ecological journey, not only that we as pilgrims are on foot, but also the arrival and departure and the distances between the hiking stages are - as far as possible - covered by train or other public transport.


A unique opportunity, in 10 days we experience all of Austria from west to east, towards the sun Arlberg to Lake Neusiedl / Our destination is Halbturn Castle / Hungary border (distance is about 800 km). See here the Jerusalem route through Austria


Some highlights of our trip are:


Klostertal, Arlberg, Pitztal with the Benni-Raich suspension bridge, the largest free-standing bell in the Northern Alps / Mösern peace bell towers high above and offers a great view of the Inn Valley, Innsbruck, Gnadenwald, St. Georgenberg one of the oldest and highest located places of pilgrimage in Austria impressive Wolfsklamm, Wilder Kaiser, end of the day with a sun goose hike in the Going / Stanglwirt area, picture book hike along the Saalach as well as through the imposing Innersbachklamm, Salzburg, Wallersee, Stift Lambach, Mauthausen concentration camp, Klammschlucht / Burg Clam, the ancient Nadlingerhof where the very first stainless steel path is the Friedensstaube was set up, the pilgrimage site Maria Taferl, located directly above the Danube, hike over gentle hills to the historically significant Artstetten Castle, UNESCO Abbey Melk and Wachau with Spitz / Dürnstein, Göttweig Abbey, Vienna, Neusiedlersee, final hike from Neusiedl am See over the Calvary and ve different wine-growing regions via Gols to Halbturn Castle.




Accommodation is reserved in Landhaus Maria, 6762 Stuben am Arlberg, No. 51

Note: In the Stuben / Klostertal area we start on August 28.08th. the first hike after breakfast!


Overview of stage start / overnight stay


1. Fri. August 28, 2020, start of rooms / overnight stay in St. Anton am Arlberg                

2. Sa. 29 August 2020, start Imsterberg / overnight Innsbruck

3rd Sunday 30th August 2020, start Gnadenwald / overnight stay in St. Johann in Tirol

4th Monday, August 31st, 2020, start Lofer / overnight stay in Unken                                     

5th Tuesday, September 01st, 2020, start in Unken / overnight stay in Vöcklabruck

6. Wed. 02 September 2020, Start Vöcklabruck / Overnight Mauthausen                               

7th Thursday, 03rd September 2020, start Arbing / overnight stay in Artstetten

8th Friday, 04th September 2020, start Melk / overnight Vienna

9th Saturday, 05th September 2020, start Vienna / overnight stay in Bruck an der Leitha

10. Sun. 06 September 2020, start Neusiedl am See / Arrival on foot at Halbturn Castle

Return by bus & train on Sunday, September 06.09.2020th, 17 at 29:XNUMX at the latest from HALBTURN with all connection options to Vienna / Linz / Salzburg etc.


Program changes reserved!


Note: In addition to registering for the entire trip from Arlberg to Halbturn Castle / Hungarian border, there is also the option of opting for individual stages to register. The trip is planned so that we reach a train station every day, from where our minibus can take the shuttle service from or to the train station. Maximum number of participants 15 people per day.


Due to the limited number of participants, rapid registration (ideally until end of July) he seeks! Registration by email at [email protected] or by phone +43 699 18031970


Fitness & equipment: Easy hikes for sure-footed pilgrims with average fitness. Hiking times spread over the day are around 4 to 6 hours / around 15 to 20 km. The route takes us through easy to moderately difficult terrain, any ascents have a maximum of 500 meters in altitude in one piece and sufficient breaks are planned. We hiking with a light daypack on hiking, forest and field paths, gravel slopes and partly asphalt. A minibus transports our main luggage.


The association "JERUSALEM WAY International Peace Team" assumes no liability, and the organizer and the pilgrims are not liable for any damage or accidents. Participation is your own responsibility. In conclusion, we would like to point out that all pilgrims must be in an appropriate physical and mental condition.


The daily flat fee is € 25 (for club members € 20). This includes the daily transportation of the main luggage by minibus to and from the accommodations; the complete organization and pilgrimage support; Any necessary shuttle services to / from the train station and to / from the accommodation, as well as the possibility to ride in the minibus if someone needs a break or would like to complete a stage for other reasons ;-)


We have largely inexpensive accommodations for pilgrims at all stage locations organized and reserved. Whether guest house in the mountains, vacation on a farm, monastery, educational house, inn, hotel, guest house, castle inn, etc. These are examples of our accommodations.


Costs for accommodation & meals as well as for journeys by public transport are to be paid on site. ÖBB Vorteilscard is recommended!


Sleeping bag is not necessary! Rooms: Double or single rooms and breakfast was organized for all accommodations!


www.jerusalemweg.at / www.jerusalemway.org


Background to the Jerusalem Way: The Jerusalem Way leads from Europe to the east, towards the sunrise - symbolically for life. The route network of the Jerusalem Way is similar to a river system, it connects various paths and routes on the way to the east and has been expanding steadily since its foundation (2010) - currently 18 countries and 2 continents are connected!


With a distance of over 8.000 km, the Jerusalem Way is the world's longest pilgrimage route and international peace and culture route!


Invitation to the pilgrim's round table (click here)

 SIGN UP for NEWSLETTER (click)  


  Contact information

  International Peace Team
  [email protected] 

  4341 Arbing / Austria
  Phone +43/699/18 03 1970