Every journey begins with a first step ...

The Jerusalem Way is the world's longest pilgrimage and peace route!

The Jerusalem Way connects religions and peoples in a unique peace project.

The Jerusalem Way stands for mutual recognition and tolerance.

Love, the most powerful force in the universe, penetrates, illuminates everything and builds bridges between all people!


Pilgrims create openness to encounters, dismantle prejudices and fears, and strengthen trust - basic trust. The supposed boundaries between peoples and religions can be bridged by individuals with love and mutual respect.




GPS is available for all countries from Spain to Jerusalem!

For details, see the ROUTE menu


Note: For pilgrims who need a Corona PCR test to enter Serbia look here: Open info for PCR test


The route through Serbia is about 620 km. GPS is available in the webshop, there are further details about the GPS and how to use the app.


General information on marking: Many areas and sections in over 15 countries along the JERUSALEM WAY have been marked in recent years. Work is underway to complete it.


General information about the marking: In the past few years, many sections have already been marked, there are already markings in all 15 countries from Spain to Jerusalem. The completion is being worked on.


Below is a sample GPS stage from SERBIA.

From the travel diary: In Serbia we hike further south from Belgrade, following the Ibar river through wildly romantic gorges and picturesque valleys, we follow the Serbian monastery trail, in the footsteps of which numerous monasteries can be found like pearls on a string.


We left Serbia on Friday, July 30th, 2010 and reached KOSOVO.